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Sosialisasi dan Rekruetmen Festival Bali College

Sosialisasi dan Rekruetmen Festival Bali College
Program D-1
di SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger

Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2019, Festival Bali College melaksanakan kunjungan ke SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger dalam rangka Sosialisasi dan Rekruitmen Program D-1. Kegiatan ini disambut baik dan antusias oleh Taruna SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger yang ingin bergabung dengan Festival Bali College. Para taruna bahkan menyimak dengan seksama sosialisai yang disampaikan oleh pihak Festival Bali College dan beberapa dari  mereka mengikuti pendaftaran Festival Bali College tersebut. 

If you are not willing to learn,
no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn,
no one can stop you.
(no name)

Once you stop learning,
you start dying
-Albert Einstein

The students of Fisheries and Marine Vocational High School are very happy toward the coming of Festival Bali College because it helps them draw and find their new dreams of job. Some of them eagerly want to join Festival Bali College and become workers or employees on Cruise Ship. During the socialization, the students are very enthusiastic to listen to the speakers and actively asking what they want to know and what they curious about. They just don't want to stop learning. They want to study more and more to get their dream job which deals with hospitality (Food and Beverage Service, Housekeeping, and Human Development) and accounting (fax and accounting) as Festival Bali College offered. 

Live as if you were to die tomorrow...
Learn as if you were to live forever...
-Mahatma Gandhi


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