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Kunjungan Industri DRBK Angkatan XVIII

Kunjungan Industri Kompetensi Keahlian Desain dan Rancang Bangun Kapal
Angkatan XVIII SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger

Pada tanggal 22 Januari 2019, salah satu kompetensi keahlian SMK Perikanan dan kelautan Puger yaitu Kompetensi Keahlian Desain dan Rancang Bangun Kapal melakukan kunjungan industri ke beberapa perusahan yang berjalan di bidang desain dan rancang bangun kapal. Kunjungan industri ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran dan mengenalkan lingkungan kerja yang akan mereka temui kedepannya baik untuk praktik maupun ketika mereka mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesungguhnya sesuai dengan kompetensi keahlian mereka yaitu Desain dan Rancang Bangun Kapal. Tempat tujuan kunjungan industri ini adalah PT. Adiluhung Sarana Segara Indonesia dan Politeknik Negeri Perkapalan Surabaya.  
Observation conveys many answers..
Just Observe..
by Praveen Kumar
PT. Adiluhung Saranasegara Indonesia

Observation is education - by Jose B. Cabajas

Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya

Someone say,
'A traveler without observation 
is like a bird without wings'
All of the students of Fisheries and Marine Vocational High School are travelers. They travel among the knowledge. They go trough books by books. They listen from voice to voice. They even dream about their future by imaginations. If they were birds, their current state is just inside the nest and listening to the parents about the way of flying. Observation is like showing them the example, showing them the exact things of their future, and conveys them exactly the use of their wings.

Another one say,
'Observation can never compete with experience'
Industry visitation is the first step to the experience and the first step of their spirit to get their dreams. It can be a great support to make them feel close to their future job. It helps them to create an understanding and critical thinking about what should they do about their dreams, starting from now on. We, the students of Fisheries and Marine Vocational High School especially the major of Design of Ship, really enjoy and having a lot of knowledge and experience during the industry visitation.


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