Pemilihan Komandan Batalion Periode 2019/2020
SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger
Pemilihan Komandan Batalion Periode 2019/2010 SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 Maret 2019. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu: Sosialisasi Visi Misi Calon Komandan Batalion, Prosesi Pemilihan Komandan Batalion, dan Prosesi Penghitungan Suara Pemilihan Komandan Batalion. Calon Komandan Batalion terdiri dari 7 taruna, yang kemudian masing - masing menyampaikan visi misi kepemimpinannya di kemudian hari. Pada akhir prosesi penghitungan suara, hasilnya menunjukkan Taruna Reza Aditya mendapat suara terbanyak dan terpilih menjadi Komandan Batalion Periode 2019/2020.
A leader
is the one who
knows the way,
goes the way,
show the way
-John C. Maxwell
Sosialisasi Visi Misi Calon Komandan Batalion
True leaders always practice the three R's:
Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all the actions
Prosesi Pemilihan Komandan Batalion
Congratulations for Reza Aditya! As the leader of the student council in Fisheries and Marine Vocational High School Puger. A big responsibility and much burden are waiting for you. You are a leader now. Be a leader as supposed to be. Being a leader is not easy. You are a head with so many hands and legs. Their actions are on your hands, their success will be your name, and their failure will be your face. There's no way backward, you have no choice but go forward. We believe on yourself, when you believe in yourself.
Great leaders don't tell you
what to do.
They show you
how i's done.
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