Seleksi Staf Batalion Periode 2019/2020
SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger
Seleksi Staf Batalion Periode 2019/2020 SMK Perikanan dan Kelautan Puger dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 April 2019 dengan beberapa tahapan seleksi. Taruna yang ingin menjadi bagian dari staff batalion tidak serta merta ditunjuk atau diterima, melainkan harus menjalani beberapa test terlebih dahulu. Test tersebut diantaranya; seleksi PBB dan seleksi akademik. Selain itu, perilaku mereka selama di sekolah juga menjadi bahan pertimbangan diterimanya taruna tersebut menjadi bagian dari staff batalion.
Accept challenges, so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory
-George S. Patton
Seleksi PBB
Apel sore
If you believe in yourself,
anything is possible
Seleksi akademik
Rapat staf batalion periode 2018/2019
Rapat pembentukan staf batalion periode 2019/2020
Pelantikan staf batalion periode 2019/2020
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
Every problem comes to break us or make us,
The choice is ours whether we become victim or victor.
Staff Battalion is a special name of the student council in Fisheries and Marine vocational High School Puger. The presence of student council is really important within the school. They are like the red thread to connect the students' and the teachers' want and need. As has been elected before, now the students council are under command of Reza Aditya (the new commander of Staff Battalion in the period of 2019/2020).
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