Praktik Kerja Lapang Kompetensi Keahlian Desain dan Rancang Bangun Kapal (DRBK)
Praktik Kerja Lapang berikutnya adalah Kompetensi Keahlian Desain dan Rancang Bangun Kapal (DRBK) pada tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Sebelum keberangkatan, kegiatan PKL untuk kompetensi keahlian desain rancang bangun kapal juga mendatangkan wali murid untuk diberikan pengarahan mengenai detail kegiatan PKL yang akan tersebar di beberapa perusahaan, yaitu PT PAL Indonesia Persero, PT Adiluhung Saranasegara Indonesia, PT ORELA Shipyard, PT DUMAS Tanjung Perak Shipyard, dan PT Terafulk Megantara Design Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada 26 April 2019.
Without training, they lacked knowledge.
Without knowledge, they lacked confident.
Without confident, they lacked victory.
-Julius Caesar
Rapat wali taruna persiapan PKL
PT PAL Indonesia Persero
Persiapan pemberangkatan Gelombang ke-2
Serah terima PT Adiluhung Saranasegara Indonesia
Serah terima PT DUMAS Tanjung Perak Shipyard
Serah terima PT ORELA Shipyard
Serah terima PT Terafulk Megantara Design
Kegiatan Praktik Kerja Lapang
Monitoring PKL DRBK
When someone say,
'Observation can never compete with experience'
It's quite sure that means,
'Observation can never complete without experience'
Every Vocational School in Jember must quite understand and familiar about the word industry visitation and on job training. If the oservation state mentioned in the quotes above belongs to industry visitation, means that on job training belongs to the action of experience. To start working, we need to take the further steps. After observing, students need experiencing.
'I hate every minute of training.
but I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life
as a champion'
-by Mohammad Ali
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